Ok, I am not going to get religious on you---BUT. I was at church recently and the minister asked a question. The question was. Do you love yourself? Then he asked everyone to raise their hands if they did. Well mine was one of the first ones to go up. I got suckered in. I felt like I was in one of my trainings.
We are not supposed to love ourselves we are supposed to love our neighbor. Well from that point on I was distracted because it dawned on me that that is what referral generation is all about. That is what networking is all about. It is not about me it is about you!!
Just think for a moment how much success we could have if we simply focused all our energy on the other people in our network and what they need and a little less on ourselves and what we needed. It is not do unto others what you want done onto you. It is do unto others what they want done to them. Pretty old philosophy that has worked through he ages. Now, where am I going with all of this? I thought it might be pretty cool to create a list of things effective networkers can do to support the people they have relationships with. So here we go.
The (partial) networkers do good to others list. Please post you comments and add to this list.
When meeting with someone listen with intent.
Find out what people in your network want and help them get it.
Send people in your network a card or just call them up and find out how they are.
Do what you say.
Find referrals for people
Invite people to attend events that would be beneficial for them
Nominate people for an award. A great example would be the Chambers Business Person of the year award
Publically recognize someone—catch tem doing something right.
Include your networking pals in your newsletter.
Endorse them to you clients
Ok, a short list to get us started. If we practice BNI’s philosophy of Givers Gain® our network will reward us in ways we can not even imagine. This is just one small step in Creating Referrals For Life®. In the future I am going to create a list of the things Networkers do that make no since and dramatically reduce their referability. Stay tuned.
The (partial) networkers do good to others list. Please post you comments and add to this list.
When meeting with someone listen with intent.
Find out what people in your network want and help them get it.
Send people in your network a card or just call them up and find out how they are.
Do what you say.
Find referrals for people
Invite people to attend events that would be beneficial for them
Nominate people for an award. A great example would be the Chambers Business Person of the year award
Publically recognize someone—catch tem doing something right.
Include your networking pals in your newsletter.
Endorse them to you clients
Ok, a short list to get us started. If we practice BNI’s philosophy of Givers Gain® our network will reward us in ways we can not even imagine. This is just one small step in Creating Referrals For Life®. In the future I am going to create a list of the things Networkers do that make no since and dramatically reduce their referability. Stay tuned.
David Alexander